View From The Pines

Artist: David Schembri

Strands 1
6.5" x 6.5"
Wheel thrown & assembled stoneware, raku fired, white terra sigillata & horse hair
Strands 2
6.5" x 7"
Wheel thrown & assembled stoneware, raku fired, white terra sigillata & horse hair

Artist Statement

"After having experimented with many different art forms and materials, I found ceramics to be my chosen artistic medium of expression.

I spend many hours a week working on a computer doing graphics using a keyboard and mouse. It's a refreshing change to get my hands into clay: kneading, constructing, throwing, trimming and creating in three dimensions.

With my first introduction to clay I was immediately hooked by its tactile, malleable quality which provided unlimited creative possibilities. It's been four decades since that initial experience with clay.

That powerful, engaging connection continues to this day."